June 6, 2014

Studio Motor''s The Patriot

I've always loved Buells since first spying the Cyclone in an edition of the Motorcycle Trader whilst eating a subway and waiting for a bus back out to suburbia. Eric Buells oddballs designs really captured my attention, it was so …Fast forward a few years down the track with the release of the Ulysses.

Studio Motor''s The Patriot

I've always loved Buells since first spying the Cyclone in an edition of the Motorcycle Trader whilst eating a subway and waiting for a bus back out to suburbia. Eric Buells oddballs designs really captured my attention, it was so different to what was currently on the market.

Fast forward a few years down the track with the release of the Ulysses. Perhaps is it should have been called the Uglysses, as it was probably one of the ugliest bikes that I've lever laid eyes on.

I tried many things to make the sight of this bike disappear including watching a full solar eclipse without any cardboard eye protection. It's like the old saying you're only as good as your last [insert whatever thing, in this case a bike]. For me, Buell was always be remembered by the Uglysses which is a shame as the lighting and firebolt were great at the time.

It wasn't until today when I saw what Studio Motors had done to this machine that I can finally remove it from my memory.

So on this note I say thankyou Studio Motors for helping me forget.

See more pics of this beauty and the nitty gritty here


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