December 29, 2016

Painting the Buell headers

The Buell front forks were leaking so as a result I had to rebuild them. While I was waiting on a few parts to arrive, I thought I take the opportunity to give the headers a bit of a clean …My camera ran out of battery while I was spray painting them so I had to find a substitute video to show the similar process.

Painting the Buell headers

The Buell front forks were leaking so as a result I had to rebuild them. While I was waiting on a few parts to arrive, I thought I take the opportunity to give the headers a bit of a clean up. With some left over heat resistant paint I coated them a few times before curing them on the bike.

My camera ran out of battery while I was spray painting them so I had to find a substitute video to show the similar process.

Let's see how long the paint lasts for.


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Great video I stumbled across, about influencers in design / music / art and what makes them stand out above the rest.Their ability to be ahead of their game in a way to create things that are contagious and …For me in the motorcycle world there have always been a number of things that have provided influence, in both design and the art of riding a motorcycle.
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