June 1, 2022

Installing a Ducati Scrambler tail tidy

Installing a tail tidy is a simple job if you take your time. Such a small modification can change the look of your already tidy Ducati Scrambler.

Installing a Ducati Scrambler tail tidy

A customer recently brought in their already tidy Ducati Scrambler Sixty2 for some minor customisation, one of them being the removal of the bulk fender. There are a couple of solutions out there but we opted for the R&G fender eliminator which looked like a nice bit of kit.

It meant we could also rollback the stock fender if we needed to down the track without any issues.

The kit came with all the mounting hardware along with a new LED licence plate light and under seat mounting brackets to replace the existing.

Stock Ducati Scrambler Sixty2
There's a lot worse stock fenders out there

Removal of the stock fender was easy enough but it does make it easy if you remove the seat. The instructions are quite clear however life was made easer by loosening most of the underside mudguard fasteners.

The removal of the indicators and existing licence plate light was a little tricky as most of the wiring is tucked in a small area under the seat which is hard to get to especially if your hands are on the larger side. The existing zip ties need to be cut so I just pre-wrapped them with a temporary tie to hold them in place before I cut the originals.

Existing Ducati Scrambler rear fender
Some weight savings here

Ducati Scrambler LED Lights and tail tidy
Using some zip-ties to hold the existing wiring in place

As the client also wanted some aftermarket LED's installed the terminals didn't match the Ducati OEM types. I made a couple of bullet adaptors to use that way we can plug the OEM indicators back in down the track if we need to.

Ducati Scrambler custom indicator wiring adaptors
Some custom bullet adaptors to plug the new LED indicators into the existing harness

Ducati Scrambler LED indicator wiring
Adapters plugged into the existing harness

Reinstallation is straight forward but can be easier if you have a spare pair of hands, so that one person can hold the mounting bracket up while the other person aligns and fastens the bracket.

I also made a couple of blanking plugs to fill the OEM indicator mounting holes in the new fender eliminator. These were just some rubber grommets that I shaped to fit with a dremel.

Ducati Scrambler LED Light blanking plugs
Made a few blanking plugs from some rubber feet.

Overall it's a really clean result and shaves off a few pounds from the rear. I'd definitely recommend this kit anyone looking for a tail tidy on their Ducati Scrambler.

Ducati Scrambler LED Lights and tail tidy
That's a tidy tail
Ducati Scrambler LED Lights and tail tidy
Clean tail and super bright LED indicators
Keeping it simple
Ducati Scrambler LED Lights and tail tidy


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