October 18, 2016

Build Diary Video Part II - TW200 Skid Plate

Finished off the custom skid / bash plate for the TW today.Originally I wanted to give aluminium brazing a go for the first time but the stock that I'd bought ended up being too thick.

Build Diary Video Part II - TW200 Skid Plate

Finished off the custom skid / bash plate for the TW today.

Originally I wanted to give aluminium brazing a go for the first time but the stock that I'd bought ended up being too thick. Because of this slight oversight, bending it would have given me a hernia. So I spent a while thinking about the alternatives and I came to the conclusion to make one up with some left over steel sheet.

I first mocked it up with some cardboard and then used it as a template although not 100% accurate it did give me a good base to start.

Once I'd cut and bent it to the correct shape I tacked everything into place, once I was happy with the fit I welded it all up. I then added some holes to reduce weight using a stepped drill bit.

The edges still need a clean up but will do all that before sending off to sandblasting.


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