December 11, 2017

Buell Build - Custom Seat

The build is nearing completion after getting the seat back from the upholsterers. As always they did a fantastic job, I'm stoked every time I get seats back from them.

Buell Build - Custom Seat

The build is nearing completion after getting the seat back from the upholsterers.  As always they did a fantastic job, I'm stoked every time I get seats back from them.   I also fabbed up a single sided licence plate holder and finished up the wiring after having to wait for some replacement dash lights after snapping off the wiring.

The neutral light was previously not working but I managed to source the issue with a dud neutral switch. I'll need to find a replacement as some stage but it's not a show stopper at the moment.


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Buildboard V2.0 Beta is Now Live


===Get your Sh\*t Together in 2017===============================Let this year be the time you dust off those tools, and finish off those projects that have become a hostel for your local spider gang.Buildboard was launched 3 years ago …This new release celebrates the 3rd birthday of Buildboard and showcases new features including an updated skin, and the ability to tag, comment and share your photos of your project.
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