April 10, 2013

Yamaha Cafe Racer By Brown Dog Welding

I've spent a fair amount of my allocated internet time tonight perusing the artistry of Josh of the one man fabrication shop called Brown Dog Welding.He takes what starts out as scrap and turns them into one of sculptures, …This little Yammi is no exception, and judging from the layout of the bolts it looks like it might be sporting a Virago engine, even a set of firestones and definitely a few bolt on parts too!As the saying goes.

Yamaha Cafe Racer By Brown Dog Welding

I've spent a fair amount of my allocated internet time tonight perusing the artistry of Josh of the one man fabrication shop called Brown Dog Welding.

He takes what starts out as scrap and turns them into one ofsculptures, predominantly of the automotive variety.

This little Yammi is no exception, and judging from the layout of the bolts it looks like it might be sporting a Virago engine, even a set of firestones and definitely a few bolt on parts too!

As the saying goes... what's one mans junk is another mans sweet looking mini yamaha sculpture.

You can see more of his work here on his website


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After reading an interview of on , about a motorcycle company in Cleveland that decided to start manufacturing budget motorcycles in China and then sell them in America it got me intrigued to see what type of bike you could …After browsing their their bikes looked quite impressive and from what I've read from the previous interview the quality of the build should be high also.Something like the Heist for around the $3500 mark definitely begs the question about the old saying _"you pay for what you get".
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