November 4, 2012

The Hamayama, changing clothes

Stumbled upon this video tonight and was entertained to the end. The honesty of the footage and the rolling soundtrack really appealed to me.

The Hamayama, changing clothes

Stumbled upon this video tonight and was entertained to the end. The honesty of the footage and the rolling soundtrackreallyappealedto me. I was able to follow the build through the changing of the seasons.

Building a custom motorcycle is not an quick project by any means, especially if you're a backyard builder. But you forget about the time, money and effort once you hear the engine turn over for the first time and roll it down the driveway, and that's I also felt from watching this.

There's some great angles and filters, a mixture between hand held and static shots.

It's nicely done and worth a watch.


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