January 17, 2012

Building your own Cafe Racer Seat

Very helpful video for the garage builder or anyone who's wanting to get their hands dirty and build their own cafe seat. The guys from Dime City Cycles have put together another How To.

Building your own Cafe Racer Seat

Very helpful video for the garage builder or anyone who's wanting to get their hands dirty and build their own cafe seat. The guys from Dime City Cycles have put together another How To.

Similar to actually mixing fibreglass resin it comes in 2 parts.

Great work!


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Rust is the new Black


Photo from the Blitz websiteRust is formed by the reaction of iron and oxygen in the presence of water or air moisture. It is commonly found on many alloys such as Steel which coincidentally is what most motorcycle gas …Photo from Classified MotoI owned a Holden Gemini for many years and rust was the main cause of it's demise, the steel cancer ate it's way through the floor causing the beige coloured state of the art machine to resemble a Fred Flinstone's car than that of a 80's suburban icon.
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